Wintering at Kip Marina
We have setup a small to do list for any vessels that are planning on wintering at Kip Marina or for our resident berth holders that will be wintering on the hard standing. Not all the points listed below will apply to every vessel.
Winter Afloat:
- Please ensure you have adequate ropes and fenders to suffice through our winter storms.
- All shore power leads and connections aboard must be maintained and checked prior to leaving a vessel plugged in throughout the winter and meters must be present unless on a Standard Charge tariff.
- Any covers that may need removing due to bad weather must be done so before departing your vessel or tied well down to sustain through the bad weather.
- Sails that will not be getting used throughout the winter season are best removed, to prevent them opening unexpectedly in adverse weather conditions.
- Vessels afloat for the winter, that plan to be sailed etc may leave the sails on. We do ask however, that these are well secured when not in use and a few wraps of the sheets are around headsails.
- Where possible it is good practice to leave a spare set of keys with the marina reception so we can attend to any issues onboard if needed.
Winter Ashore:
- The same applies as above with the winter afloat period before your lift out and then again once back in the water.
- If vessels engines have been winterised before a lift out, please let our marina reception know so this information can be passed onto the yard team if the customer is not going to be present.
- Any tows that are required to and from the hoist pier will be charged at a minimum of £60.00.
- All sails must be removed prior to lift out to ensure maximum safety when on the hard standing.
- SprayHood Covers need to be well tied down. No Full boat covers when on a Cradle
- Masts left Step MUST be confimed by Boat Owners Insurance, If not covered then let the Marina team know to remove the mast
- Shore power connections must have a visible meter unless on a standard charge tariff. Please where possible can these meters be installed inline at the box to minimise staff climbing slippery ladders.
- When working on your vessel that is on the hard standing, please be mindful of where your car is parked. We have heavy machinery operating 7 days a week and you may be required to move it at short notice.
- At no point are you allowed to dry sand antifoul unless prior arrangement is made with the marina management. This is to protect all customers and staff.
- Any vessels requiring sand blasting/antifoul removal must please make the marina aware of this so we can position your vessels appropriately.
Mast stepping and un-stepping:
- All sails to be removed prior to the mast being un-stepped.
- Electrics are to all be disconnected.
- Where possible split pins removed for turn buckles and rigging eased off slightly to ensure smooth, efficient removal of the mast.
- Where rigging is being replaced or fixed, we need the rigger to be present or at a minimum the owner, where possible.
- Kip Marina purely supply crane hire and the safe removal and installation of your mast, we do not provide a rigging service or rig tensioning service.
- We will do our best to store your mast as close to your vessel as possible, however this may not always be possible.